
October 26, 2018
Medical Liability

Newsletter Article: In-Depth: Tortious Error and the Draft Medical Liability Law in Egypt

The conceptualization of healthcare reform in Egypt invokes the futuristic remodeling of hospitals, replacing rickety beds with sophisticated medical equipment as the medical sector successfully surges forward. Still, even if all infrastructural ills are cured, one reality remains. Patients die. Treatments fail. And, sometimes, medical error is the cause. Currently, medical professionals who commit errors […]

Customs Law

Client Alert: New Draft Customs Law in Egypt

New Draft Customs Law in Egypt A new customs law has been proposed by the Egyptian Parliament that could potentially repeal Customs Law No.66/1963. If passed, it will centralize customs monitoring, procedures, taxation, fees collection, and enforcement within the Customs Authority; minimizing bureaucracy. Another important development is that the Customs Authority would analyze goods for […]

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